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BBL - Brazilian Butt Lift
or Buttocks Augmentation

Dreaming of having more round and attractive buttocks? VIP Surgery Turkey is your trusted partner in crafting the body of your dreams.

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What is BBL -Brazilian Butt Lift & Buttocks Augmentation?

Professionals employ a range of techniques for buttock augmentation, with the choice depending on your body shape, skin condition, and other factors:


• Fat Transfer (BBL). This is a method that involves enhancing the buttocks using transplanted fat cells from the patient, making it a particularly safe procedure. Fat emulsion is introduced into areas with less volume, which aligns naturally with your body's own molecules. This allows for a more rounded buttock appearance through a combination of liposuction and fat grafting.

Fat is harvested from your problem areas, prepared specifically, and then injected into the buttocks. The natural volume achieved with this method can be maintained for approximately 15 years. It offers the dual benefit of contouring the area where the fat was taken from while enhancing your buttocks. The recovery time for BBL is usually around 2-3 weeks.


• Implant Surgery. This procedure involves augmenting the buttocks using silicone implants, which enables the selection of the optimal shape. The implants come in two types: round and anatomical (tear-shaped). Silicone implants are inserted via a small incision (no more than 5 cm), typically located in the intergluteal or subgluteal fold, rendering the postoperative scar virtually invisible.

Furthermore, the line between the fatty tissue and the implants is hardly discernible and does not impact comfort during sitting. Due to their superior elasticity, silicone implants are guaranteed to last a lifetime. While this option might require a slightly longer recovery time compared to BBL, the results are immediate and permanent, offering an excellent solution for those looking for a dramatic enhancement.


Remember, the choice between these methods depends largely on your individual preferences and desired outcome.

A consultation with our expert team at VIP Surgery Turkey will help you make an informed decision that best suits your aesthetic goals.

When Might You Consider BBL  
Buttock Augmentation

There's a broad spectrum of reasons that can lead you to consider buttock augmentation. These might include:


• Aging-induced Tissue Changes: As we age, the production of collagen, elastin fibers, and hyaluronic acid naturally decreases, affecting the elasticity of both superficial and deep subcutaneous fat layers. This can cause ptosis, a medical term for the sagging of soft tissues, altering the youthful contour of your buttocks.


• Post Weight Loss Sagging: Significant or rapid weight loss can disturb the hormonal balance in the body, or be the result of strict diets. This often results in loss of tissue elasticity, leading to sagging buttocks. Augmentation helps to restore the lost volume and uplifts the appearance.


• Restoration after Injuries: If you've suffered injuries that required part of the buttock to be removed, augmentation can play a crucial role in restoring a balanced and aesthetically pleasing contour, improving your self-confidence and overall body image.


• Addressing Genetically Influenced Aesthetic Concerns: If you have a naturally flat buttock shape or lack voluptuous curves due to genetic predisposition, buttock augmentation can help enhance your body's contour and introduce desired volume to your rear.


• Correction of Asymmetry: Asymmetry in the side or back of the hips can occur due to various factors such as scoliosis or uneven fat distribution. Even minor differences can become noticeable, and buttock augmentation can be a key solution to establish a harmonious balance.


Beyond these situations, there may be a range of other aesthetic or personal reasons that could make you consider a buttock augmentation. It's crucial to remember that everyone's body is unique, and so are their aesthetic goals. At VIP Surgery Turkey, we offer personalized consultations to understand your specific needs and to develop a tailored strategy. Our main objective is to help you feel comfortable in your body and attain the aesthetic harmony you've always desired.

Steps of Your Surgery Journey


Preparation for

BBL & Buttock Augmentation


Despite not being overly complicated, buttock augmentation is a surgical procedure that necessitates meticulous preparation. It begins with a preliminary consultation where the plastic surgeon identifies the most suitable method based on the patient's medical history and current health status.


The preparatory process includes various medical tests such as:


• Thorough examination of biochemical and clinical blood parameters;

• Cardiogram analysis;

• General urine testing;

• Fluorography, along with any other procedures deemed necessary by the doctor.


In anticipation of the procedure, it's recommended that patients begin conditioning their bodies ten days prior to the operation. During this period, avoid smoking, consuming alcohol, taking medications or vitamin complexes, and partaking in strenuous physical activities.


For visual reference, pre-surgery photos are taken to facilitate comparison with post-operative aesthetic outcomes.

Description of the Procedure


Performing BBL & Buttock Augmenation

The augmentation is performed under general anesthesia, typically lasting between 1 to 4 hours, contingent on the specific method employed.


If implants are used, a small incision is made in the intergluteal or subgluteal fold, followed by the creation of designated pockets beneath the muscle tissue. The silicone endoprostheses are then carefully introduced and the tissues are securely sutured internally.


In contrast, augmentation via lipofilling involves extracting fat from select areas (such as the abdomen or flanks), which is then purified and injected over the gluteal muscles. Considering the partial absorption tendency of fat cells, the procedure may incorporate extra fiber for sustained results. This method is incision-free, as the fiber is introduced via minute punctures that are subsequently sealed with cosmetic micro-stitches.


Recovery After BBL & Buttock Augmentation

Duration of the Surgery

From 1 to 4  Ranging from 1 to 4 hours, depending on the specific technique used..


Approximately 1-3 days of hospital stay is required, encompassing the surgery day and two subsequent days for monitoring.

Activity Limitations

 minimum of 2 months of reduced physical activity and exercise is recommended post-surgery.

Hygiene and Sun Exposure

Avoid hot baths, swimming, and sun exposure for 1.5  months after the procedure.

Sleeping Arrangements

Patients should initially sleep on their stomachs for 2-3 weeks, transitioning to side-sleeping as healing advances.

Full Recovery

The final aesthetic outcomes of the buttock augmentation can typically be appreciated 3 to 6 months post-surgery, although individual recovery times may vary.

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